Journal of Wetlands Research


Title Journal of Wetlands Research Vol.26, No.4 November 2024
Writer kws Date 2024-12-13 Hit 193
Attach file
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±èÁö¿ø·¼­µ¿ÀÏ .......... 311
A Study on the Application of Effective Dam Operation Plans for Water Quality Improvement of the YoungJu Reservoir
Ji Won Kim·Dong Il Seo
±â»óÇÐÀû °¡¹³¿¡¼­ ¼ö¹®ÇÐÀû °¡¹³À¸·ÎÀÇ Àΰú ±â¹Ý °¡¹³ ÀüÆÄ ºÐ¼® [VIEW]
ÀÌ串·¿øÁ¤Àº·ÃÖ½ÃÁß·±è»ó´Ü .......... 320
Causality-based drought propagation analysis from meteorological to hydrological drought
Lee, Chaelim·Won, Jeongeun·Choi, Sijung·Kim, Sangdan
Çѹݵµ ÁÖ¿ä ³«¿±È°¿±¼ö¸²ÀÎ ½Å°¥³ª¹«±º¶ôÀÇ ±¸Á¶Àû Ư¼º ¹× õÀÌ ¿¹Ãø [VIEW]
À¯Çý¸°·À¯¿µÇÑ·¹ÚÁö¿ø·¹Ú¿©ºó .......... 331
Structural Characterization and Succession Prediction of the Korean Peninsula's Major Deciduous Broadleaf Forest, Quercus mongolica Community
Hye Rin Yu·Young Han You·Ji Won Park·Yeo Bin Park
Test-Bed ±Ô¸ðÀÇ ÇÏÀ̺긮µåÇü Àΰø ½ÀÁöÀÇ ¿À¿°Àú°¨µµ Æò°¡ [VIEW]
È«Áø·±æ°æÀÍ .......... 338
Evaluation of Pollution Reduction in Hybrid Constructed Wetlands on Test-Bed scale
Jin Hong·Kyungik Gil
VHIÀÇ ¸ð´ÏÅ͸µ ¼º´É °³¼± ¹× ±â»óÇÐÀû ¿äÀÎ º¯È­¿¡ µû¸¥ ½Ä»ý ¹ÝÀÀÀÇ Á¤·®Àû Æò°¡ [VIEW]
Á¤ÇÏÀº·ÃÖ½ÃÁß·±è»ó´Ü .......... 344
Improving Monitoring Performance of VHI and Quantitative Assessment of Vegetation Response to Meteorological Drought
Jung, Haeun·Choi, Sijung·Kim, Sangdan
±âÈĺ¯È­ ´ëÀÀ°ú °ü·ÃµÈ ½ÀÁö È°¿ë»ç·Ê ¹× Á¤Ã¥ °³¼±¹æÇâ [VIEW]
ÀÓÁ¤Ã¶·³ë¹éÈ£ .......... 356
Improvement Considerations for Strengthening Wetland Policies with Case Studies Related to Climate Change Response Strategy
Jeongcheol Lim·Paikho Rho
ºñ½Ä»ý °¹¹ú Ç¥Ãþ¿¡¼­ ź¼Ò ÀúÀå·ü »êÁ¤ ¹× ¿µÇâÀÎÀÚ ºÐ¼® : ÇÔÆò¸¸°ú ¼øõ¸¸ [VIEW]
¹Ú°æ´ö·°­µ¿È¯·¾ç¹ÎÁØ·¹ÚÁø¿µ·Á¶¿ø±â·ÀÌÁØÈ£ .......... 374
Calculation of carbon storage rate and analysis for influencing factors at the surface layer in unvegetated tidal flats : Hampyeong Bay and Suncheon Bay
Kyeong-deok Park·Dong-hwan Kang·Minjune Yang·Jinyoung Park·Won Gi Jo·Jun-Ho Lee
µ¿Áø°­ ÀÏ´ë »ýÅ°豳¶õ ½Ä¹° ¾ç¹Ì¿ªÃë(Solidago altissima)ÀÇ °í¹Ðµµ ±º¶ô ³» ÁßÀåºñ¸¦ È°¿ëÇÑ Á¦°Å È¿°ú [VIEW]
À̼öÀηÃÖµ¿Èñ·±è¿µÇÏ·À¯Çý¸° .......... 380
Effect of Using Heavy Equipment to Remove High-DensityPopulations of the Invasive Alien Plant Solidago altissima along the Dongjin River
Soo In Lee·Dong Hui Choi·Young Ha Kim·Hye Rin Yu
³²°­À¯¿ª¿¡¼­ÀÇ ½Ã¼³Àç¹èÁö°¡ º»·ù ¼öÁú¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ¿µÇâºÐ¼® [VIEW]
°¥º´¼®·¹ÚÀç¹ü·±è¼º¹Î·±èÇö¸Æ·½Å»ó¹Î·Àü¹ÎÀç·À̵¿Çö .......... 389
Analysis of the Impact of Facility Cultivation Areas on the Water Quality of the Main Stream in the Namgang Basin
Byungseok Kal·Jaebeom Park·Seongmin Kim·Hyunmac Kim·Sangmin Shin·Minjae Jeon·Donghyun Lee
µµ½Ã°ø¿ø°ú µµ·Îº¯ ³ìÁöÀÇ ½Ä¹°Ã¼ ź¼Ò·® ºñ±³ ¹× ¼øÀÏÂ÷»ý»ê·®°ú ±âÈÄ¿äÀÎÀÎ ±â¿Â°ú °­¼ö·®°úÀÇ °ü°è [VIEW]
ÀÌÀÀÇÊ·Á¤Çå¸ð·°­¼º·æ·ÀåÀοµ .......... 398
Comparison of Standing Carbon in Urban Park and Roadside Green Space, and Their Relationship with Net Primary Production and Climatic Factors, Temperature and Precipitation
EungPill Lee·HeonMo Jeong·Sung-Ryong Kang·Inyoung Jang
¼¶À¯¿©Àç ¿©°úÀåÄ¡¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ °Ç¼³»ç¾÷Àå ÈëÅÁ¹° 󸮿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ [VIEW]
±è¿µÃ¶ .......... 410
Treatment Study of the Turbid Water from Construction Sites by Using Synthetic Fiber Filter Device
Youngchul Kim
¿©ÀçÀÇ ÇüÅÂ¿Í ¼±Çà°­¿ìÀϼö°¡ ÃæÁøÇü ½ÀÁöÀÇ ¼º´É¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ¿µÇâ [VIEW]
þ¾ß¿ÀÇη±è¿µÃ¶ .......... 420
Effect of Media Type and Number of Dry Days on the Performance of Packed-bed Wetland
Yaoping Chen·Youngchul Kim
±Ý°­¼ö°è À¯±â¹°Áú ºÐÆ÷ ¹× °Åµ¿ Ư¼º ¿¬±¸ [VIEW]
±è»ó¿í·ÅÂÀº¾Æ·¹ÚÂùÈ«·ÃÖÇý¼±·¹ÎÁßÇõ .......... 435
Study on the Distribution and Behavior Characteristics of Organic Matter in the Geum River Basin
Kim+Sangwook Kim·Euna Tae·Chanhong Park·Hyeseon Choi·Joonghyuk Min
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A Study on the Habitat Characteristics of Benthic Macroinvertebrates and the rainfall effects on their communities in Mt. Jeombongsan
Hyeok Yeong Kwon·Soon Jik Kwon·Se-Hwan Son·Young san Lee·
Sungbae Joo·Jeong-Soo Park·Jae Hun Kim·Hung Chul Jun
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¹Ú¹Ì¿Á·¿°ÅÃ¿í·±¸º»ÇÐ .......... 457
Changes in Carbon Absorption Capacity According to Land Use and Function Evaluation of Village Wetlands in Sejong City
MiOk Park·Taeguk Yeom·BonHak Koo
°íÈﱺ »êÁö½ÀÁö¿¡¼­ÀÇ Åº¼Ò ÀúÀå ¹× Ç÷°½ºÀÇ °èÀý‧°ø°£Àû º¯È­ ¿¬±¸ [VIEW]
ÀåÀοµ·Á¤Çå¸ð·ÇÑ»óÇзÀÌÀÀÇÊ·°­¼º·æ .......... 468
Seasonal and spatial changes in carbon storage and fluxes in forested wetlands in Goheung-gun, Korea
Inyoung Jang·Heon Mo Jeong·Sang-Hak Han·EungPill Lee·Sung-Ryong Kang
º¹¿ø Ãʱ⠿ìÆ÷´Ë »ê¹Û¹úÀÇ »ýÅÂÀû Ư¼º ¹× °ü¸®¹æ¾È ¿¬±¸ [VIEW]
ÀÓÁ¤Ã¶·±è¹ÌÁ¤·±èÆò¹ü .......... 478
Study on the Ecological Characteristics and Management Strategies of the Early Restoration Phase of Sanbakbeol in Upo Wetland
Jeong-Cheol Lim·Mi-Jeong Kim·Pyoung-Beom Kim
±¹³» ÇÇÆ® Ä¡À¯ÀÚ¿øÀÇ È°¿ë ¹× ±âÁØ¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ [VIEW]
¹Ú¼±¿µ·°­Á¤¿ø·Àå¿ä¼ø·Á¤¿ë±â .......... 502
The Utilization and Standards of Domestic Peat Healing Resources
Seonyoung Park·Jeongwon Kang·Yo-Soon Jang·Yonggi Jeong
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¿ÀÀ¯°æ·¹Ì±¸¿¤·ºñ½ºÆ÷Ä¡´Ï·Àü¹Î¼ö·±èÀÌÇü .......... 511
Exploring Research Trends on Antibiotic Pollution Control in Constructed Wetlands through a Bibliometric Analysis and Comprehensive Review
Yugyeong Oh·Miguel Enrico Robles·Chiny Vispo·Minsu Jeon·Leehyung Kim